I was inspired by a video a friend sent me. The person being interviewed told a story about how he made millions and lost it all, five times! It was an intriguing story, but the main thing I took away was his drive to create. His creative mind was the driving force behind the creation of his wealth.

The man being interviewed carries around a pad with him to write down 10 new ideas each day. When he was on his way to making his millions, he spoke on how idea generation was key. Reviewing the list of ideas helped him form the businesses that generated income. I found it fascinating.

He also wrote a lot. He said at one time he wrote 10 articles a day. A few years later he wrote 20. He would soon outsource the writing to others. He’s written several books over the years and is busy now with a podcast, giving interviews and creating content for social media. I love his drive, and his determination to create on a regular basis.

I’m a creative person at heart and have so much on my mind. I feel like so much is bottled up inside of me and I need to get it out of my head. I need to push myself and follow his example and write.

I’ve decided today, to start writing as much as I possibly can. I’ll be creating content for my site. I have all kinds of things I want to say to provide food for thought for those who choose to read my writing. The topics you’ll find here may be varied, but I tend to stick to a few that I feel strongly about. I have 40-plus years experience as a musician, 16 as a father, 11 as a survivor of family court and 26 years as a resident of the city of New York. Oh, and 53 years a as a human. I have some stories to tell for sure!

Life is short. We don’t know when we will take our last breath. I plan to live life to the best of my ability and to do as much as I can with the time I have here on the planet. Why not share what I’ve learned? I think you might find something you can take away and use in your own life.

Stay tuned. Lots more to come!

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