I wish I had his hair right about now. That fro!!! For the longest time as a toddler, my little man had long and wild hair. My ex-wife wanted it to grow, while I wanted to cut it short. It was a minor battle between us, but in the end, it looks like our son solved the issue when he decided to grow his hair into an Afro.
He’s gotten so many compliments on his hair. He was even featured in the New York Times, looking like a baby Huey Newton a few years ago.
He’s one of the four reasons why I live in New York City.
He’s a truly funny, energetic, and fun young man to be around. It’s great to teach him about what it means to be a man in America in 2018. He has lots to learn and I’m going to be there to teach him as much as I can.
With so much attention being paid to women and girls nowadays, I’m going to make sure that young men don’t get overlooked. That’s why I’m here. Young men need mentors…and fathers.