Lost in the Woods: How My Son and I Became Wilderness Warriors

  My son and I recently decided to go on a hiking adventure, leaving the mean streets of New York City behind for the beautiful Silver Mine Lake. It’s a 3.8-mile trail near Bear Mountain in Harriman State Park. At first, the hike was peaceful, and we enjoyed the surroundings. We felt like explorers, looking…

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After a dark year, Broadway sees light at the end of the summer

The reporter I spoke to for this article didn’t write everything I told him. That’s probably good. I had some choice words for that grandma killing/rapist/dismissive asshole who, along with de Blasio, is responsible for devastating New York City.   I spoke my mind about the guy who destroyed so many lives since he was…

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Learned Helplessness – There are millions of people still waiting for permission to live their lives.

In this classic scene from Shawshank Redemption, Red struggles with the adjustment to life outside of prison. Behavior like this is common with people who have been imprisoned for long periods of time. At about the one-minute mark, while working in a grocery store, Morgan’s character asks his supervisor for a restroom break. The manager…

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Shared Parenting During The Coronavirus Pandemic

I am in a unique position. I share my children equally with my ex-wife. We have a joint legal and physical custody arrangement – also known as shared parenting. We’ve been successfully co-parenting our two children since we finalized our divorce settlement in 2008.  When our children were younger, we strictly adhered to this parenting plan…

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Breaking Car Culture

They “broke car culture” on 14th street. Yea!!! Wooo hoo!!! Wait…Isn’t it already broken when 80% of New Yorkers don’t own a car? The city council of New York banned cars on 14th Street in Manhattan. Now do it on 23rd, 34th, 42nd, 72nd, 86th, 96th, 116th, 125th, 145th, 2nd Ave, Park Ave, Lexington, Madison,…

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The Only Reasons Why I Live In New York City-Reason 1

The only reasons why I live in New York City.  Me and my daughter.  She is one of the four reasons why I’m living in New York City. I’ll tell you the other three in my next  posts.  It’s hard to believe that my little girlie is going to be 16 in January. Time files…but…

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David Byrne: Will Work for Inspiration

Excerpt: Some folks believe that hardship breeds artistic creativity. I don’t buy it. One can put up with poverty for a while when one is young, but it will inevitably wear a person down. I don’t romanticize the bad old days. I find the drop in crime over the last couple of decades refreshing. Manhattan…

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