This stuff used to really make me angry. I expect this kind of stuff now. It’s actually funny. I’m living proof that this is bullshit. Imagine the backlash if I talked about the really shitty divorced moms I’ve known over the past 11 years.

My kids are infinitely better off with me in their lives than not. I’ve never been a “Disney Dad” and never will be. Why would anyone generalize like this?

Why in the world would anyone accept an every other weekend arrangement in the first plaice? To see my kids four days out of the month? ARE YOU CRAZY?!! And to pay child support on top of that? Oh hell no. It was never gonna happen with me. Never.


Then to watch these ladies talk about divorced dads on the CNN panel and the brown lady almost agree with Michelle’s awful analogy…lord help us all.

People still think fathers are the second parent in 2019. Unbelievable.

Equality? Yeah ok…

Michelle, you should know better.


This is from CNN. Why would they even write this?

“Which brings me back to Michelle Obama’s metaphor. So, to reset: America is the child of divorced parents. He has been living with the mom for years. He’s sick of her rules and doesn’t feel like he can have any fun. Enter the divorced dad who seems fun, a little bit reckless and, above all, different. So the kid goes to live with the dad. And it’s different — and maybe even good for the first few months. Dad lets you stay up late. He doesn’t care how much “Fortnite” you play. Doesn’t check to make sure your homework is done at night. But over time, the differences start to be less appealing. And when he’s got the flu, maybe Dad checks on him once or twice but still winds up going out to dinner with some work friends.”

Watch Michelle speak and watch the panel discussion HERE:

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