I just finished this documentary. 

It’s another example of why I feel our system of government is the best in the world. Our brilliant founding fathers knew human nature and devised a system to counter greed, corruption and complacency. We are still making it a more perfect union, but it’s infinitely better than systems where the central government controls the means of production.

AOC did exactly what Trump did. Both knew nothing about governing (and still don’t to a certain degree), but took on the establishment. They were both brilliant politicians. They both knew, and still know how to move people. 

I feel they both have a lot to learn but both are learning on the job. But again, our system has certain restrictions; two years in the House and four as president. If they don’t learn fast and make changes, they get voted out!!!!Good for AOC for kicking her opponent out of office. 

I do feel one flaw in our system is not having term limits for congresspeople. Some folks stay way too long and get corrupted.

If you want to make change, you HAVE to get involved. I’m learning that now by working on changing martimonial law here in New York State. It’s a long process, but it’s so interesting to learn how things are actually done.

Stop posting things on social media about how bad things are and maybe do something about it. These women did, and one succeeded. I’m actually happy for AOC. 

It was very inspiring.

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