Bill, O’Reilly/Cosby/Clinton

So………Bill Cosby is villified and people like this idiot are making $18,000,000 a year. Tell me, who has a legacy worth saving? A legendary comedian who influenced thousands of others, a man who revolutionized the way black images are shown in TV and film, a man who gave millions to several institutions of higher learning…or…

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“Don’t WOW me!!” Black Intelligence In 2016 and Beyond

What? Don’t wow me? What kind of nonsense does this woman think she is trying to pull? It is amazing to see an exchange between someone who isn’t afraid to speak their mind and challenge everything that is assumed. It’s refreshing to see someone not back down to someone on this network. D.L stood his…

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Why women still need husbands

  Well, here’s a way to get people talking: An excerpt from this article: By Suzanne Venker Over the past several decades, America has witnessed a profound change in the way women view men and marriage. It began with the baby boomer adage “never depend on a man.” This message resulted in a generation of women…

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