There are no good men!!! You might hear that from time to time. Well, if you want to know why there are no good men in your dating circles, read on. This post will explain a lot about where good men went. Trust me, they are all around. I feel that there would be a…
Read moreChild Support, Welfare and Government Intrusion Into The Family
On January 4, 1975, President Gerald Ford signed into law the Social Security Amendments of 1974, which, among its other provisions, created a state-federal child support enforcement program under a new part D of title IV of the Social Security Act. This is now generally referred to as the “IV-D program.” The purpose of this…
Read moreThe Contempt for Dads
I don’t take this stuff that seriously. Guys With Kids is yet another stupid sitcom. I watched the pilot a few minutes ago on Hulu and read a review on the show in Esquire. I’ll never watch the show ever again. Steven Marche’s assessment below of the show is spot on. I get tired of the narrative…
Read moreAbortion Baby
“As noted earlier, this is a song that Michael knew could be controversial and, as a result, he spent a lot of time thinking about the story for the song and the voice through which the song should be told. The song is about a girl whose father is a priest; she was raised in…
Read moreThe Evolution of Dad
The Film We are told by American culture that fatherhood is important, but the real, underlying message is: “Back to work, dads!” The result: millions of people are growing up with absentee dads. What’s worse is that so many of them are blissfully unaware of the damage done to their lives. How did this happen?…
Read moreI left YOU, not my child
If your relationship with your wife or girlfriend ends, please remember that your relationship with your children does not. Assuming that the father is the one to leave the home if the adult relationship breaks down is no longer the case in the new millennium. Men, take charge of your life and your relationship to your…
Read moreParental Alienation
The same rule applies for fathers who use their kids as pawns. It is NEVER a good idea to use your children to hurt your ex.
Read moreTHE END OF MEN!
It looks like it’s over…well , maybe not.
Read moreDomestic Violence Against MEN?
Is she always blaming you for problems in your relationship? Do your conflicts really ever get resolved? Is she always controlling the relationship or you? Are you constantly confused or insecure about where the relationship is going? Does she run hot and cold, fly into rages out of the blue and blame you for them?…
Read morePalestinian Women No Longer Need Husband’s Permission for a Divorce
I heard this on NPR yesterday and found it to be very interesting.
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