Parental Alienation
The same rule applies for fathers who use their kids as pawns. It is NEVER a good idea to use your children to hurt your ex.
Read moreCaptive Audience
Every morning when I pick up my kids from my ex-wife at 7:15AM, my kids get in the car, we say hello to each other and are on our way to school. We don’t get very far if there is no music coming from the speakers. My son or daughter will speak up and demand…
Read moreDomestic Violence Against MEN?
Is she always blaming you for problems in your relationship? Do your conflicts really ever get resolved? Is she always controlling the relationship or you? Are you constantly confused or insecure about where the relationship is going? Does she run hot and cold, fly into rages out of the blue and blame you for them?…
Read morePalestinian Women No Longer Need Husband’s Permission for a Divorce
I heard this on NPR yesterday and found it to be very interesting.
Read moreTime To Make Changes
What fathers need to know BEFORE they get divorced
Fathers love their children just as much as mothers do. We want to see our kids grow up to be healthy vibrant, productive members of society. We also want to be around them as much as possible and watch them grow. Modern divorce tends to push fathers to the margins of child rearing. The expectation…
Read moreDwyane Wade – A Father First
Dwyane Wade on David Letterman’s show – Tuesday August 4th, 2012 I heard about his book a long time ago. I have always like Dwyane. He is a great basketball player and seems like a really good person. I think more stories of men fighting and beating a system where fathers usually come out on…
Read moreWAKE UP DAD!!!!
To Live In Peace
If to live in peace means to shut my mouth, And speak naught against evil and hate; If to live in peace means to close my eyes, to the bigotry and trees that prevail; if to live in peace means to plug my ears When the woe-begone weep at my door; Then I’m not content…
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