Why Mom’s Time Is Different From Dad’s Time

Surveys find that men and women work roughly the same number of hours a week—yet they experience their time very differently Excerpt from this article: http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304757004579335053525792432?mobile=y Funny: I once sat on a panel with Adam Mansbach, the author of the best-selling parody “Go the F— to Sleep.” At one point in the discussion, he conceded…

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‘The road to high pay is a toll road.’—Warren Farrell

Why do women earn less than men? Women are systemically underpaid in part because they consciously or unknowingly make choices in their careers that lead to being paid less down the line, an author and educator says. Warren Farrell, author of a half-dozen books including Why Men Earn More, told the CBC’s Lang & O’Leary Exchange recently that his…

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The rise of women does not require the fall of men

I read a great article by Christina Hoff Sommers recently. I think it points out many things we choose to ignore. Read the full article HERE As one critic told me recently, the classroom is no more rigged against boys than workplaces are rigged against lazy and unfocused workers. But unproductive workers are adults —…

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