Be careful what you wish for…’cause you just might get it…and not like it. Was there a massive protest in French society to come up with this legislation? Were there millions of mothers and fathers crying out for massive change? I don’t think they have thought this thing through. I am a firm believer in…
Read moreI’M A MOM
This is a GREAT article. I saw it in the New Yorker Magazine and thought I’d share. Please read it when you get a chance: Mrs. Romney says there would not even be an America without moms, and she is totally right about that. We would just be a nation of dads, who, let’s face…
Read moreDivorce is deceptive
“Divorce is deceptive. Legally it is a single event, but psychologically it is a chain–sometimes a never-ending chain–of events, relocations, and radically shifting relationships strung through time, a process that forever changes the lives of the people involved.” Judith Wallerstein – one of the pioneers in research on the long-term psychological impact of family disruption…
Read moreThe Career Mystique
The disgraced politician or the retiring sports star comes to the podium and says, “I am going to spend more time with my family….” The 35-40 year old woman talks to her inner circle of friends about her biological clock and the intense desire for marriage and kids. Don’t take things for granted. Don’t wait…
Read moreyou can act like a MAN!
“You spend time with your family?…….Good……Because man that doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man” A great line from a great movie. I feel our culture should make family a priority. We tend to value what we do at work more than what we do at home.
Read moreWhere all the good men went
There are no good men!!! You might hear that from time to time. Well, if you want to know why there are no good men in your dating circles, read on. This post will explain a lot about where good men went. Trust me, they are all around. I feel that there would be a…
Read moreMatriarchy and the end of men.
WSJ: As empowering as it is, in a way, to see women “doing everything” and succeeding, does the “end of men” have the power to destabilize societies in the poorer and middle-classes? HANNA ROSIN: That’s what we’ve already seen with urban black America. When William Julius Wilson wrote the book “When Work Disappears” [in 1996],…
Read moreResponsibility
Looking back at how my parents raised me, I realize how important the lessons of responsibility are to children. I remember my father always reminding me to clean my room. He would make me take out the garbage, mow the lawn, help wash his car and clean the garage. He would offer to wash the…
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