We’ve gone too far with ‘trigger warnings’

If someone carries a level of trauma and sensitivity, they can utilize student services and have proper accommodations made for them in private. There are resources available to those people. Indulging in the general philosophy, however, of avoiding issues simply because they are uncomfortable or offensive, these people are never going to survive in the…

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Women Can Be Abusers Too

“Things started out pretty good the first couple of years.  Then, she slowly changed.  She always had a temper, but then we got into some money problems, and it got worse.  She would get mad, and it would escalate all out of proportion.  She’d start hitting.  She’d slap at my face, and then keep slapping and try to scratch me.  I’d…

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Domestic Violence Against MEN?

Is she always blaming you for problems in your relationship? Do your conflicts really ever get resolved? Is she always controlling the relationship or you? Are you constantly confused or insecure about where the relationship is going? Does she run hot and cold, fly into rages out of the blue and blame you for them?…

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