Goodbye darling, you’re just too dull

I’d be perfectly happy with women divorcing their husbands because they are bored only if those women who wanted out of that marriage got NOTHING, except what she came into it with. No child support, no children, no alimony and no house. That sounds like a good deal to me. Go ahead and find yourself!…

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Wimpy Kids

  Here is a fascinating article that everyone should read. A Nation Of Wimps By Hara Estroff Marano excerpts: ……No one doubts that there are significant economic forces pushing parents to invest so heavily in their children’s outcome from an early age. But taking all the discomfort, disappointment and even the play out of development,…

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The Female Child Molester

Wow! Imagine if this were a male teacher. The New York Daily News reported: A California high school teacher has been busted for underage sex – just days after giving birth to a baby allegedly fathered by her student lover. Laura Elizabeth Whitehurst, 28, was detained by cops in her Redlands home on Monday evening….

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Why The Mommy Wars Rage On

Let’s be clear: It is a privileged group of women and men who ever confront this decision. Many don’t have anything approaching a financial choice when it comes to working. Others have children whose health problems dictate that someone be there to manage their care. The issue is further distorted by socioeconomic class: One mother…

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13 Signs Your Wife or Girlfriend is a Borderline or a Narcissist

Here are some common side effects of being in an abusive relationship, whether the abusive individual has a personality disorder or not: 1) Censoring your thoughts and feelings. You edit it yourself because you’re afraid of her reactions. Swallowing the lump in your throat and your hurt and anger is easier than dealing with another…

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