Divorce is deceptive

“Divorce is deceptive. Legally it is a single event, but psychologically it is a chain–sometimes a never-ending chain–of events, relocations, and radically shifting relationships strung through time, a process that forever changes the lives of the people involved.” Judith Wallerstein – one of the pioneers in research on the long-term psychological impact of family disruption…

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Child Support, Welfare and Government Intrusion Into The Family

On January 4, 1975, President Gerald Ford signed into law the Social Security Amendments of 1974, which, among its other provisions, created a state-federal child support enforcement program under a new part D of title IV of the Social Security Act. This is now generally referred to as the “IV-D program.” The purpose of this…

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MAN UP!!! This is life…welcome to the real world

Having kids will change everything. It seems that things are magical after you find out you are about to have a baby. You have the baby shower, get the gifts, you go out and purchase the crib, look at strollers, paint the baby room, plan for all kinds of things. You enter the real world…

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The Evolution of Dad

The Film We are told by American culture that fatherhood is important, but the real, underlying message is: “Back to work, dads!” The result: millions of people are growing up with absentee dads. What’s worse is that so many of them are blissfully unaware of the damage done to their lives. How did this happen?…

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I left YOU, not my child

If your relationship with your wife or girlfriend ends, please remember that your relationship with your children does not. Assuming that the father is the one to leave the home if the adult relationship breaks down is no longer the case in the new millennium. Men, take charge of your life and your relationship to your…

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