Why do high-profile campus rape stories keep falling apart?

An excerpt from this article in the Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2015/06/02/why-do-high-profile-campus-rape-stories-keep-falling-apart/ At Slate, Emily Yoffe digs into the one of the poster cases for the anti-campus rape advocacy film “The Hunting Ground” and finds some devastating flaws in how the movie portrays what happened. [Kamilah] Willingham’s story is not an illustration of a sexual predator allowed to…

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Subjective Annoyance…or let’s call it “Street Harassment” – The Not So Subtle Racism of Hollaback

There are now two videos making the rounds on the information superhighway. A few days ago it was that video of children using the F word for that radical ideological cult they call gender feminism. FCKH8 used shocking images, inflammatory and incorrect statistics to sell t-shirts. Now we have a woman, clearly using black and brown men as…

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What feminism has come to

‘Princeton mom’ is more progressive than many critics in the media by S.E. CUPP – New York Daily News When Susan Patton wrote a letter to The Daily Princetonian last week, she probably had no concept of the controversy it would create. What she later described as merely “some good advice from a Jewish mother” has…

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Rape Culture?

I found an interesting article on Slate the other day. I’m curious to hear your thoughts My bad sex wasn’t rape The outcry over a recent “Girls” episode startled me. What happened to a woman’s sexual agency? BY ANNA MARCH Defining regret over a consensual experience as rape conveys the message that women who experiment with…

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