My 3-Year-Old Son is a Girl Now

This seems like more of a documentary than a parody. Clayton Craddock is an independent thinker, father of two beautiful children in New York City. He is the drummer of the hit broadway musical Ain’t Too Proud. He earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from Howard University’s School of Business and is a 25 year veteran…

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Shared Parenting

The National Parents Organization just released its 2019 Shared Parenting Report Card which is done every 5 years. The report raises a clear issue. Why must kids miss out on certain family relationships when parents divorce or separate? It’s cruel to have children who love both parents suddenly lose access to everything they knew.  It’s cruel…

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I Love Men, But I’m Thinking of Having a Baby Without One

Another selfish woman…another fatherless child. Sad. From… On the best days of my life, and the cruelest hours of the night, I have always had an inner-meditation: I am excited about the future. However, this summer, when I turned 37, while licking the wounds of yet another rough breakup, my mantra didn’t seem to…

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Bill would increase noncustodial parents’ time with children

From this article: SALT LAKE CITY — A grandmother who helped her son wage a custody battle for his children endorsed proposed legislation that would give courts another option in determining parent time in divorce cases. The proposal, considered Wednesday by the Utah Legislature’s Judiciary Interim Committee, is intended to reduce conflict and curb…

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