If You Don’t Like The Law, Change It

Several years ago, a friend of mine would often get frustrated with our discussions. I would complain about how crazy family court is and how archaic the domestic relations laws are. He would tell me, “If you don’t like the law, CHANGE IT! That’s exactly what we are doing. When you get married in New…

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Shared Parenting

The National Parents Organization just released its 2019 Shared Parenting Report Card which is done every 5 years. The report raises a clear issue. Why must kids miss out on certain family relationships when parents divorce or separate? It’s cruel to have children who love both parents suddenly lose access to everything they knew.  It’s cruel…

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New York Fails Report On Parenting After Divorce

This is from a press conference I was a part of yesterday: National Parents Organization (NPO) works to ensure that fit and willing parents receive equal time with their children during and after separation and divorce. The nonprofit works to help children enjoy the benefits of having both parents in their lives. Research shows children…

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Why Moms Should Support Shared Parenting

Alexandra Beckman, a Kentucky mother of seven children explains how the new parenting law will reduce stress on children of divorced parents. She has a story that needs to be shared. She lives in Kentucky, the ONLY state where shared parenting(50/50) is the default when parents separate. Alexandra is an advocate for shared parenting in…

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The New Normal – Shared Parenting

Why must kids miss out on certain family relationships when parents divorce or separate? It’s cruel to have children, who on one day have both parents in their lives on a regular basis suddenly lose access to everything they knew, then relegate the other parent to become a visitor. There are several reasons for this…

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Angel Soft and their horrible advertisement about celebrating mothers on Father’s Day

I certainly know ONE brand of products I refuse to buy. Angel Soft. You can forget it. Let me repeat a truth. A truth that people on the PC Express refuse to understand….Mothers can NEVER be fathers and fathers can never be mothers. Here are more realities that are lost on a certain segment of…

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