Unilateral Divorce – Why isn’t a marriage contract as enforceable as any other contract?

In response to frustration among legal practitioners regarding fabricated legal marital controversies and divorce difficulties, California Governor Ronald Reagan signed the Family Law Act of 1969, resulting in the country’s first no-fault divorce law. No-fault divorce became available to spouses who filed either a unilateral divorce (without the spouse’s consent) or a consensual divorce (with…

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8 Reasons Why Fathers Matter

A few years ago, I asked one of my closest friends an interesting question. Why would anyone think I wasn’t essential for the proper rearing of my children? Many often assume that after a divorce, the mother gets the children, and the father leaves and pays child support. The dad visits his kids every other…

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Looking back at how my parents raised me, I realize how important the lessons of responsibility are to children. I remember my father always reminding me to clean my room. He would make me take out the garbage, mow the lawn, help wash his car and clean the garage. He would offer to wash the…

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