Barbara Kay on institutional feminism and misandry

Acknowledging the quiet feminist coup d’etat… the pernicious misandry… the militant and divisive zero-sum/win-lose assumptions of the ruling feminist movement… unfair treatment of males as disposable…the apparently shocking notion that women are capable of violence. Barbara Kay presents her politically incorrect views on the Micheal Coren Show.

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How Your Dad Determines Your Adult Relationships with Men

Father matter…for boys AND for girls. An excerpt from this article: Psychologists traditionally focus on the mother/child relationships and mostly ignore fathers, especially the father/daughter relationship. However, new research is increasingly concluding that fathers greatly influence their daughter’s self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, gender roles, mental and emotional health, and achievements in academics and career. What’s…

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12 Years A Slave? How about 21 years!!

I saw this on Saturday. Anyone thinking of getting married, is married, has kids or is thinking of having them, is in a “relationship” or is even remotely thinking of being in one….should see this film. Maybe you are a child of divorce and you wonder why you were not allowed to see your other…

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Dr. Drew on Divorce Corp

You guys have NO idea what is going on in family court…or maybe you do… and want the gravy train to continue. I don’t. I know through personal experience the amount of devastation that divorce industry, the federal/state child support system and antiquated lifetime alimony promises causes to families, children and communities. I am dedicating…

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Male and Female Brains Really Are Built Differently

Seriously, do people really think our brains are the same? Wow. Stephen Pinker tells it like it is: From The Blank Slate by Stephen Pinker: “Equity feminism is a moral doctrine about equal treatment that makes no commitments regarding open empirical issues in psychology or biology. Gender feminism is an empirical doctrine committed to three…

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U.S. Women on the Rise as Family Breadwinner

An excerpt from a New York Times article by CATHERINE RAMPELL Women are not only more likely to be the primary caregivers in a family. Increasingly, they are primary breadwinners, too. Four in 10 American households with children under age 18 now include a mother who is either the sole or primary earner for her family,…

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