A black man goes undercover in the alt-right | Theo E.J. Wilson

“The wholesale demonization of everything white and male.” “Why should I be hated for who I cannot help but be? As a black man in America, that resonated with me.” When you trick the algorithm of your existence, you’ll get some diversified experiences. It’s time to grow…” Amen!   In an unmissable talk about race and politics…

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Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts

  The Boy Scouts of America announced on Wednesday October 11, 2017 that it will admit girls into the Cub Scouts starting next year and establish a new program for older girls using the organization’s same curriculum. What is the point of having girls in the boy scouts? I have no idea other than pandering…

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Liberals Gone Wild! Evergreen State

Evergreen State…CHECK!! This is another college where I refuse to have my kids attend for college. Every campus where rubbish like this happens is another college I check off the list of places where my kids won’t attend There are apparently people who are living in SeanSpicerian alternate reality. “Adoption of a new policy where…

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In Defense of Transracialism

“For instance, consider the case of an American black couple who adopt a dark-skinned child from India. Imagine this child was adopted young enough not to develop an Indian accent. His parents raise him exactly the same way they raise his black siblings: as a full-fledged member of the black community. As he grows up,…

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