I found this on a site recently and had to re-post. A great commentary on the reality we live in. Why do we allow 1960’s laws to exist in 2013? Paternity Law. Does One Size Fit the Best Interest of Children? Posted by: Jason Brown on the Star Tribune – http://www.startribune.com/local/yourvoices/204388701.html Jason Brown is the founding…
Read moreTrue Dads
“True Dads” featuring Joe Jones & CFUF from Center For Urban Families on Vimeo. Joseph T. Jones, Jr. Mr. Joseph T. Jones, Jr. is president and founder of the Center For Urban Families. Prior to founding CFUF, Mr. Jones developed and directed the Men’s Services program for the federally funded Baltimore Healthy Start initiative and…
Read moreWhat feminism has come to
‘Princeton mom’ is more progressive than many critics in the media by S.E. CUPP – New York Daily News When Susan Patton wrote a letter to The Daily Princetonian last week, she probably had no concept of the controversy it would create. What she later described as merely “some good advice from a Jewish mother” has…
Read moreRape Culture?
I found an interesting article on Slate the other day. I’m curious to hear your thoughts My bad sex wasn’t rape The outcry over a recent “Girls” episode startled me. What happened to a woman’s sexual agency? BY ANNA MARCH Defining regret over a consensual experience as rape conveys the message that women who experiment with…
Read moreBoys Are At The Back Of The Class
Boys are lagging behind girls in school; on average, they get worse grades, take fewer advanced classes and are less likely to graduate. To find out why boys are taking a back seat in education, host Michel Martin speaks with Christina Hoff Sommers, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and author of ‘The War…
Read moreWhy You’re Not Married
I found this interesting article yestewrday. I think it will help out a lot of people. it is written by Tracy McMillan and was posted on the Huffington Post. I’d love to hear what you think: You want to get married. It’s taken a while to admit it. Saying it out loud — even in…
Read moreFemale infidelity on average causes more harm and greater social instability than male infidelity?
I found this on a friend’s Facebook page recently. He is a brilliant writer and a great guitarist/songwriter too. This post sheds some light on male/female relationships and the biology behind our actions. I thought it would be great to share it. By Inge Berge – reprinted with permission from the author -Mr. Berge: A…
Read moreWomen Who Make America
MAKERS: Women Who Make America tells the remarkable story of the most sweeping social revolution in American history, as women have asserted their rights to a full and fair share of political power, economic opportunity, and personal autonomy. It’s a revolution that has unfolded in public and private, in courts and Congress, in the boardroom and the bedroom,…
Read moreThe rise of women does not require the fall of men
I read a great article by Christina Hoff Sommers recently. I think it points out many things we choose to ignore. Read the full article HERE As one critic told me recently, the classroom is no more rigged against boys than workplaces are rigged against lazy and unfocused workers. But unproductive workers are adults —…
Read moreThe Evolution of Divorce
by W. Bradford Wilcox – National Affairs In 1969, Governor Ronald Reagan of California made what he later admitted was one of the biggest mistakes of his political life. Seeking to eliminate the strife and deception often associated with the legal regime of fault-based divorce, Reagan signed the nation’s first no-fault divorce bill. The new…
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