Count me in with the former leftists: By Robert Gehl, July 20, 2014. Our friends at have a fantastic column by Dr. Danusha V. Goska. She was a life-long leftist and recently wrote that she has abandoned that philosophy. Here, she gives her top ten reasons. It’s long, but I highly recommend it. 1)…
Read moreBreakdown of the Black Family, and Its Consequences
According to the modern-day civil-rights establishment, most of the problems that currently afflict African Americans result directly from the intractable white racism that allegedly continues to plague blacks in every region of the country — across all age groups, all educational levels, and all income brackets. This civil-rights elite largely ignores the role of issues…
Read moreWhy Feminism Is NOT ‘The Fight for Equal Rights’
An excerpt from this article: By Chris Good – Writer, Blogger, Musician, habitual Tinderer and coffee addict. Is feminism fighting for equality? With respect, no, it isn’t. Here’s why. The fight for ‘equality’ of the first two waves of feminism fought to raise the standing of women in society where there were clear and vast imbalances. Men…
Read moreIt’s Time To Push Back Against Feminist Bullies
An excerpt from this article: How many times have you heard the line that feminism is simply “the radical notion that women are people”? And when was the last time you thought that sentiment even remotely expressed whatever the h-e-double-hockey-sticks is going on in feminism these days? In the last week alone, we saw the…
Read moreEardrum, Eyeball And Subway Harassment
In terms of being a public nuisance she kinda wins with her big mouth. ‘ sure most passengers don’t wanna hear her ranting anymore than they wanna hear his bible thumping. And by the way… why I don’t ride the trains here in New York City. I despise it. This appears to me like this episode…
Read more10 Responses to “Can You Cook?” That’ll Shut Him Down for Good
Trigger warning – for utter nonsense: This article is ridiculous. Just warning you. 1) I would never ask if a woman could cook. I expect it. I can cook and am damn good at it. Being able to provide for yourself is an essential part of survival as a human being. If you can’t cook,…
Read moreHow Having a Son Changed Me
I think this woman is a fantastic example of what people are supposed to be – compassionate, of both sexes. This is a feminist mother who isn’t interested in pushing feminist dogma onto her son and training him to be what feminist theory says about men. She’s interested in doing what’s best for him. She is…
Read moreThe Prove It To Me Society
Life is, in a very real way, an act of faith—but not an irrational faith driven by feelings. An excerpt from this article: In the 1993 movie “The Man Without a Face,” Justin McLeod, a disfigured ex-teacher who had been tutoring a troubled boy throughout the summer for a military entrance exam, has been accused…
An excerpt from this article: Examples of abuse listed on the University of Michigan’s domestic violence awareness website say “sexual violence” includes “withholding sex and affection” and “discounting the partner’s feelings regarding sex” – definitions that have come under fire by some men’s rights activists. The terms, found under the heading “definitions,” also suggest verbal…
Read moreThe Harry Potter Generation
An excerpt from this article: Denying that kids do best when both biological parents raise them is not just naïve, it’s cruel and abusive. It doesn’t matter who raises children as long as they have money and basic parenting skills. That’s the gist of Emily Badger’s article at the Washington Post, “Children with married parents…
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