A representative with testicular fortitude

It is sad that legislators in our country don’t have the BALLS to make a reasoned, rational and logical explanation of modern family law. I heard about this on various sites and though I’d share it with you. What you see in this video is what is really going on in most western societies. What…

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Babie’s Mommas…all of them!

“‘All My Babies’ Mamas’ will be filled with outrageous and authentic over-the-top moments that our young, diverse female audience can tweet and gossip about, ” says Cori Abraham, Senior Vice President of Development at Oxygen Media. From Forbes Magazine: Oxygen Media announced it has picked up a special from Liz Gateley and Tony DiSanto, the former MTV executives-turned-producers…

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The Real, Complex Connection Between Single-Parent Families and Crime – The Atlantic

In a recent post, “Single Moms Can’t be Scapegoated for the Crime Rate Anymore,” Philip Cohen tries to correct what he sees as an injustice in the way the United States’ crime rate is discussed. He writes that many pundits believed the crime wave of the late 1980s and early ’90s was caused by an…

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Kramer.com vs. Kramer.com

By PAMELA PAUL Published: November 23, 2012 New York Times MOST divorced couples would probably prefer not to see each other. Ever again. But when you share custody of your children, you have to assume a certain amount of face-to-face time amid the endless back-and-forthing. Think of the clashing summer vacation plans, the who-goes-to-Lucy’s-birthday-party, the “Max…

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How Prisoners Make Us Look Good

“Over 80 percent of black children have been abandoned emotionally and, usually, economically by their fathers,” he continued. “It is not the case that black children are deprived of paternal emotional and economic support because their fathers are in prison; rather, their fathers are in prison in good part because their own fathers had abandoned…

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“Increasing numbers of single-parent and stepparent families does not strengthen the social fabric but, rather, dramatically weakens and undermines society”

Over the past two and a half decades Americans have been conducting what is tantamount to a vast natural experiment in family life. Many would argue that this experiment was necessary, worthwhile, and long overdue. The results of the experiment are coming in, and they are clear. Adults have benefited from the changes in family…

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Michelle’s dad & America’s real crisis

“The parental characteristics that employers value and are willing to pay for, such as skills, diligence, honesty, good health, and reliability, also improve children’s life chances, independent of their effect on parents’ income,” Susan Mayer writes in her book “What Money Can’t Buy.” “Children of parents with these attributes do well even when their parents…

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