No One Can “Have It All”

I found a great article in the latest issue of Esquire Magazine called WHY MEN STILL CAN’T HAVE IT ALL written by Richard Dorment. “Lately, the raging debate about issues of “work-life balance” has focused on whether or not women can “have it all.” Entirely lost in this debate is the growing strain of work-life balance on…

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Women have to pay alimony too

The De-Gendering of Divorce: Wives Pay Ex-Husbands Alimony Too By Liza Mundy Not long ago, after giving a talk about the growing number of women who are breadwinners in their marriages, I was approached by an audience member who identified herself as a lawyer. She said that she was definitely seeing this trend in her practice…

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The Biological Kidnapper

Welcome to 2013. We live in an era where everything is suspicious, even the father of his own children is a suspect. Remember, if you see something…. A Prince William County man says he was suspected by Walmart security of possibly kidnapping his three young daughters — all because they aren’t the same race. Joseph,…

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Stop Treating Dads Like Inept, Dim-Witted Parents

Recently, the site Flip The News decided to take an article published in the Atlantic, and do a gender flip in order to bring awareness to the constant portrayal of men as absent or less capable parents. The flipped article centers around points such as volunteering for the Boy Scouts, failed fatherhood attempts, pet rescue, and fathering through proxy,…

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Is This The End of Alimony As We Know It?

For probably as long as it has existed, alimony has been a man vs. woman thing. Men get ordered to pay, women get alimony and men get bitter. But as women have become more economically powerful, the game has changed. In 2012, a new law came into effect in Massachusetts that abolished permanent alimony and…

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Single Fathers Have Slimmer Kids?

Every day I discover more information proving that the choice of single motherhood is a really bad and incredibly selfish idea. I’m going to keep giving out information to hopefully change a few minds. I can only do but so much but, it makes perfect sense to raise children with their biological mother and father…

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