Fathers love their children just as much as mothers do. We want to see our kids grow up to be healthy vibrant, productive members of society. We also want to be around them as much as possible and watch them grow. Modern divorce tends to push fathers to the margins of child rearing. The expectation…
Read moreDwyane Wade – A Father First
Dwyane Wade on David Letterman’s show – Tuesday August 4th, 2012 I heard about his book a long time ago. I have always like Dwyane. He is a great basketball player and seems like a really good person. I think more stories of men fighting and beating a system where fathers usually come out on…
Read moreTo Live In Peace
If to live in peace means to shut my mouth, And speak naught against evil and hate; If to live in peace means to close my eyes, to the bigotry and trees that prevail; if to live in peace means to plug my ears When the woe-begone weep at my door; Then I’m not content…
Read moreA mother AND a father?
Few things hamper a child as much as not having a father at home. “As a feminist, I didn’t want to believe it,” says Maria Kefalas, a sociologist who studies marriage and family issues and co-authored a seminal book on low-income mothers called Promises I Can Keep: Why Poor Women Put Motherhood Before Marriage. “Women always…
Read moreThe Moynihan Report
“From the wild Irish slums of the 19th-century Eastern seaboard, to the riot-torn suburbs of Los Angeles, is one unmistakable lesson in American history: a community that allows large numbers of young men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any set of…
Read moreGeneration Skip
My little man and his Papa I love these moments. Just watching the two of them interact is fascinating.
Read more77
Easter 1977 My father just turned 77 on Thursday. He and my mother are still alive, married and well. Early in the morning, my kids and I gave him a call to sing happy birthday. I think about how amazing it is to have the ability to call…
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