Why The Left Can’t Handle Donald Trump

Russell Brand is no conservative monster. He is as liberal as they come. This was an interesting 12 minutes. What do you think? Clayton Craddock is an independent thinker, father of two beautiful children in New York City. He is the drummer of the hit broadway musical Ain’t Too Proud. He earned a Bachelor of Business Administration…

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Richard Pryor as the First Black President – 1977

  The first back president in 1977? Not quite but, four presidents later, our county actually had a half black president with Barak Obama. Here is an interesting observation; by 2007 we also had two black head coaches in the super bowl and now several black quarterbacks. Some of these quarterbacks actually suck. Nowadays. it’s not a…

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donald trump’s Complicated Form – #borderwall

Trump echoed this theme in an interview with ABC News’ David Muir on Wednesday, insisting, “We will be in a form reimbursed by Mexico, which I’ve always said. (lie)” “We’ll be reimbursed at a later date from whatever transaction we make from Mexico,” Trump continued. “I’m just telling you there will be a payment. It…

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Trump’s Bizarre Theory

“Trump’s theory is, apparently, that anyone can get any judge disqualified for ‘conflict of interest’ just by saying things that the judge finds offensive enough,” Volokh wrote. “Don’t like the Jewish judge on your case? Say things that are critical of Jews, and now the judge presumably has to step aside because of a conflict…

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The Republican Party Is Broken 

No need to be scared my liberal socialist friends. Stay calm and read Marx.  You’ll be fine with that orange dude as prez. We’ll all be suffering together in a few years. His presidency will be more proof that there hasn’t been an effective republican president in what, 30 years? Take the country down…isn’t that…

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