Romeo Misses A Payment

Director and father Angelo Lobo exposes the wide-ranging devastation of the American divorce industry. Romeo Misses A Payment documents the complicated world of divorce and child custody through dozens of interviews with parents, attorneys, judges, and law officers on all sides of the issue. Incendiary, controversial, insightful, heartbreaking and ultimately triumphant, Romeo Misses A Payment…

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12 Years A Slave? How about 21 years!!

I saw this on Saturday. Anyone thinking of getting married, is married, has kids or is thinking of having them, is in a “relationship” or is even remotely thinking of being in one….should see this film. Maybe you are a child of divorce and you wonder why you were not allowed to see your other…

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Divorce Corp Reviews…so far

“Any divorce survivor will see rueful reminders of a destructive process. Any engaged couple should see it, period….” – Colin Covert Minneapolis Star Tribune “Documentary tackles the divorce industry with the same zeal as the lawyers it rebukes….” – Eric Monder  Film Journal International “Infuriating, but lacking the balance to be the take-down of a corrupt system that it…

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Dr. Drew on Divorce Corp

You guys have NO idea what is going on in family court…or maybe you do… and want the gravy train to continue. I don’t. I know through personal experience the amount of devastation that divorce industry, the federal/state child support system and antiquated lifetime alimony promises causes to families, children and communities. I am dedicating…

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