A Father Arrested After Taking His Daughter’s IPhone Away

I just read about a story where a father was arrested for taking his daughter’s IPhone as a punishment and then getting arrested in Texas for doing so. I thought I was reading The Onion, but it’s true. A man named Ronald Jackson discovered things that he thought were inappropriate on his daughter’s cell phone….

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Why fathers still matter

An excerpt from THIS article: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2014-06-25/opinion/ct-oped-fathers-0625-20140625_1_father-single-moms-terry-crews Take the sentence “there are some things only a mother can provide.” Does anyone disagree with that? You say “nurturing,” everyone nods. You say “unconditional love,” everyone nods. But try saying that sentence about a father — as Crews did — and it’s as if you’re hammering people’s toes. “A…

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