A black man goes undercover in the alt-right | Theo E.J. Wilson

“The wholesale demonization of everything white and male.” “Why should I be hated for who I cannot help but be? As a black man in America, that resonated with me.” When you trick the algorithm of your existence, you’ll get some diversified experiences. It’s time to grow…” Amen!   In an unmissable talk about race and politics…

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In Defense of Transracialism

“For instance, consider the case of an American black couple who adopt a dark-skinned child from India. Imagine this child was adopted young enough not to develop an Indian accent. His parents raise him exactly the same way they raise his black siblings: as a full-fledged member of the black community. As he grows up,…

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The real Rx for campus rape

An excerpt from THIs article: http://nypost.com/2014/05/06/the-real-rx-for-campus-rape-give-up-on-liberal-answers/ By Naomi Schaefer Riley Sexual assault is a serious crime. If campuses are really seeing these rates of violence, then nothing less than an overwhelming police presence is called for. Not the keystone campus cops, either, but gun-wielding officers protecting women as they walk to classes, parties and club meetings,…

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In praise of price gouging?

I understand, John Stossel is saying really outrageous things to get your attention and to entice you to buy his book. It appears that he is no different  from Ann Coulter. It can be great marketing to say crazy things because people pay attention to things that are outrageous. Every man for himself is NEVER…

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