What is the problem with Disney princesses?

In the notes of my son’s class, there was information about dressing up for Halloween. There was a specific note that said “no Disney princess costumes because they ask girls to be docile (sleep for 100 years, stay in a tower??? Please).” I saw this comment on a site where I found this photo: “Can…

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Divorce is deceptive

“Divorce is deceptive. Legally it is a single event, but psychologically it is a chain–sometimes a never-ending chain–of events, relocations, and radically shifting relationships strung through time, a process that forever changes the lives of the people involved.” Judith Wallerstein – one of the pioneers in research on the long-term psychological impact of family disruption…

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Child Support, Welfare and Government Intrusion Into The Family

On January 4, 1975, President Gerald Ford signed into law the Social Security Amendments of 1974, which, among its other provisions, created a state-federal child support enforcement program under a new part D of title IV of the Social Security Act. This is now generally referred to as the “IV-D program.” The purpose of this…

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