On my way to work this morning, I saw a man walking towards me with a FREE HUGS t-shirt on. My mind did some calculations and if you know me, I came to the conclusion that I should say something to him. I said, “Hey! Nice t-shirt!” He thanked me and I asked him for a hug. He gave me one and we chatted for a few minutes.
I found out his name was Dylan, a really cool guy who was apparently from a southern state, due to his thick southern drawl. He was just a nice human being-one who literally gave out free hugs.
Life is too short to let moments like this pass by.
When I used to walk my kids to their elementary school years ago, I’d play a game and challenge myself to say hello to at least 10 strangers as they passed us before we got to the door of the building. I often succeeded. Why be afraid to say hello?
Too many New Yorkers keep to themselves. Most of us don’t know our neighbors on our own apartment floor, forget the rest of the building. It’s sad.
I don’t want to ever be that person.
Be good to people.