The Moynihan Report

“From the wild Irish slums of the 19th-century Eastern seaboard, to the riot-torn suburbs of Los Angeles, is one unmistakable lesson in American history: a community that allows large numbers of young men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any set of…

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Shared Parenting During The Coronavirus Pandemic

I am in a unique position. I share my children equally with my ex-wife. We have a joint legal and physical custody arrangement – also known as shared parenting. We’ve been successfully co-parenting our two children since we finalized our divorce settlement in 2008.  When our children were younger, we strictly adhered to this parenting plan…

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If You Don’t Like The Law, Change It

Several years ago, a friend of mine would often get frustrated with our discussions. I would complain about how crazy family court is and how archaic the domestic relations laws are. He would tell me, “If you don’t like the law, CHANGE IT! That’s exactly what we are doing. When you get married in New…

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A New Shared Parenting Bill in New York State – A09819

Without joint custody, children are the biggest losers Why must kids miss out on certain family relationships when parents separate? It’s cruel for children, who love both parents, to suddenly lose access to everything they once knew when their parents no longer want to live together. Does a child’s love and need for both parents…

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The Best Interests Of The Child Includes Access to Both Parents

  On a typical Monday evening, Alex goes to bed with hugs and kisses from two loving parents. After Alex is taken to school the next day, one parent moves out because the couple agrees they can’t live together anymore.  Tuesday evening after school, Alex gets home and only sees one of his two loving parents. Alex does…

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William Fabricius’ Research on Divorce and Fathers: “Equal parenting time is a public health issue.”

William Fabricius, associate professor at the ASU Department of Psychology, is a pioneer in research on divorced children and long-term health outcomes. Arizona’s new child custody law went into effect five years ago, and the first evaluation will be published in the spring issue of the Journal of Divorce and Remarriage. Fabricius, associate professor of…

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My First Press Conference – National Parents Organization

My first press conference. I recently became a co-chair of the New York affiliate of the National Parents Organization. We work to ensure that fit and willing parents receive equal time with their children during and after separation and divorce. It’s a nonprofit that works to help children enjoy the benefits of having both parents…

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New York Fails Report On Parenting After Divorce

This is from a press conference I was a part of yesterday: National Parents Organization (NPO) works to ensure that fit and willing parents receive equal time with their children during and after separation and divorce. The nonprofit works to help children enjoy the benefits of having both parents in their lives. Research shows children…

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What I’ve learned being a stay at home dad | Glen Henry | TEDxMidAtlantic

I can relate to what he’s saying. I’ve been a stay at home father since my first child was born. I am glad I was able to be there for each step of the way of my kids’ development and wouldn’t change a thing. Jobs come and go, but you’ll never get your children’s childhood back. They…

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Why Moms Should Support Shared Parenting

Alexandra Beckman, a Kentucky mother of seven children explains how the new parenting law will reduce stress on children of divorced parents. She has a story that needs to be shared. She lives in Kentucky, the ONLY state where shared parenting(50/50) is the default when parents separate. Alexandra is an advocate for shared parenting in…

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