My goal for the next year is to write. Write and write and write.


Because I have a lot to say and I feel I can add a thing or two to the public discourse. I used to have a website called the Socraddock Method where I would write about all kinds of things related to fatherhood/family/divorce and other societal issues, but I decided to stop publishing content to that site. I am putting all of my energy to this one and making my social media imprint much larger moving forward. I have ideas for a YouTube channel, a podcast and several books.

I am putting the positive, forward thinking energy out there right now. When I speak out loud or write things down, I can get the universe to bring it into existence. Thoughts are things. The more you focus your thoughts on the things you want in your life, the more likely they are to appear.

With that being said, I am using my site to think things through, challenge conventional wisdom and make positive change. Whether it’s in my own life or the lives of the people reading, listening  or watching what I do, it’s all good with me.

Writing 500 five hundred word essays over the next year is one of the many goals I’ve set for myself. The best way to get better at something is to just do it. Jump and the net will appear. Calculate the risks involved with the jump but dammit, do it anyway!

I wouldn’t be where I am if I didn’t take the risk to move to New York City in 1993. I worked my ass off networking, gigging and struggling. But I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t take the chance. I could have been a “man, I shoulda..” kind go person if I didn’t. I don’t like to live with regrets. I’m doing the same kind of thing with the next phase of my life. I like writing and expressing myself. I find it therapeutic. I’ve also seen how my writing has helped others who may be going through similar life events as me or thinking the same thoughts.

I also like challenging the way people think. I like stirring the pot and enjoy having several intellectual sparring partners. When I post things to Facebook that I know will be provocative, I enjoy reading comments from those who disagree. As long as the discourse is respectful, I’m down for an exchange of thought and ideas. I may even learn a thing or two I didn’t know before.

Stick with me here. You will definitely learn a lot. I have many things to share and trust me, you are in for a treat. Feel free to add a comment or two below and I’ll do my best to respond within 24/48 hours. I’m a busy fellow raising kids and playing in a smash hit Broadway show, but this is my focus.

500 words, is not an issue with me. I tend to write a lot and figure out what to cut out. I have to find a way to keep things short and sweet so that folks don’t get bored. Hmmm…maybe I should say “at least” 500. Who knows, I’ll figure it out as I go along.


And there it is. Post 1 of 500.


Stay tuned!

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Clayton Craddock is and independent thinker, father of two beautiful children in New York City and is the drummer of the hit broadway musical Aint Too Proud


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